From: Chhanda Bewtra
To: Incoming-Gashttour
Dear Amir Banan and Ghasttours,
Below is our evaluation of everything about our recent trip to Iran.
Thank you for all your help
OCT 9-18/2018
A. VEHICLE—No problem, comfortable, a/c provided.
B. TRANSPORT—from places, hotels, airports—perfect. Always on time. No problems.
1. Mashhad Hotel, Tehran—
–The a/c did not work, when called, no help available. The desk person was curt and unhelpful.
–Room, beds, food etc were ok.
2. Eram Hotel, Shiraz—
–Room, beds, food were ok
––in this beautiful city of wines and roses– the only view out of our window was a garbage dump in an empty lot. Full of broken furniture, beddings, trash etc. And in the middle of it was a homeless man making a nest under a broken table, and lighting a fire to keep warm. Felt sorry for him but the dump should be cleared.
3. Dad Hotel, Yazd. Excellent hotel, as expected for four stars. No problem
4. Pirouzy hotel, Isfahan. Another good hotel, 4 stars.
5. Ibis hotel, Tehran-=-very good, clean, modern, spacious. Why 3 stars? It could be 4 stars.
1. Ateena Mirza, (Tehran)—Wonderful person, Always on time, courteous, helpful. Knowledgeable, very friendly yet, always professional.
2. Nima, (Shiraz, Yazd, Persepolis and Isfahan)—
In one word, THE BEST! We have traveled in many countries all over the world and Nima ranks one of top three of the hundreds of guides we have seen. You should have more people like him. He was always patient with us slow old people, always friendly, very knowledgeable about many things about Iran and helped us learn a lot during the long car trips between cities. He was fun, full of jokes and stories, energetic, a problem-solver, a skillful photographer and had friends in every city, every market place. We were impressed with his abilities with computers and graphics, his interest and curiosity about self-education. In many places, Nima went above and beyond his duties to make the trip fun, unique and memorable for us. We can’t say enough good things about him. When we think of Iran, we always think of Nima too.
Only suggestion we have is his habit of texting while driving. That worried us, not only for our but his own safety. Nima is an excellent and skillful driver, and we understand the need to communicate while driving. We suggest some hands-off mechanism for cell phones in the cars (available widely in US and Europe) and absolutely no texting while driving. We would not have minded him pulling over, stopping and the texting as often as needed. Perhaps it is a normal thing in Iran but we have seen way too many tragic accidents just for texting. We don’t want to him to be penalized or downgrade his abilities in any way because of this. This is just meant as a suggestion for all your drivers, not just Nima.
As far as Ghasttours, we very much appreciate your prompt and helpful emails before the trip. What impressed us most is your trust in us in arranging the entire tour without asking for any money in advance!
Thank you for asking our comments. It was an excellent trip by all means and we are telling all our friends to visit Iran, contact Ghasttours and ask for Ateena and Nima. Your company is doing an excellent job and we wish you all the success in future. Merci. and Khuda Hafiz.
–Chhanda Bewtra, Omaha, Ne. USA.