Iran Travel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Get all the answers to your questions about travel to Iran on the Gashttour frequently asked questions (FAQ) list. Discover introductory Iran travel tips, know the top destinations in Iran, and find out how to stay safe while exploring Iran’s rich culture and history. Prepare your journey to Iran with comfort and confidence.

  • How to travel to Iran?

    An Iran travel doesn’t have to be difficult at all. With enough pre-planning and prior research, you can easily avoid the limitations and stresses of traveling to Iran, and tourists are not subjected to as heavily enforced rules as the locals. You can travel to Iran either individually or in groups. For more information click here

  • Do I need a visa to travel to Iran?

    Acquiring a travel visa is one of the first steps of traveling abroad. All countries have distinct conditions for travelers entering their country based on nationality. Travelers arriving in Iran are bound to obtain an Iran visa except in 11 countries. Most travelers must observe a specified process to obtain an Iran travel visa. For more information click here

  • Which are the best and most popular cities in Iran to visit?

    That is a question for any tourist interested in visiting Iran. All Iranian cities are beautiful and charming. The interests in different cities are diverse. There are many historical, natural, and cultural attractions in the beautiful cities of Iran. Finally, the most popular and visited cities in Iran are Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Kashan, Tabriz, and Kerman. For more information click here

  • What is Iran currency and do credit cards work in Iran?

    The official currency of Iran is Rial with the ISO code IRR. However, local people use the unofficial unit, Toman in everyday trading and transactions. Moreover, all credit cards don’t work in Iran due to the sanctions, and travelers must have cash, either USD or EUR, to exchange it in the exchange office. For more information click here

  • How can I get travel insurance coverage in Iran?

    If you are scheduling a travel to Iran, one of the most important things you must prepare ahead of time is your Iranian travel insurance. In fact, in many cases, getting travel insurance for Iran is not a choice, and it’s obligatory. Travel insurance for Iran is compulsory for every tourist who needs an Iran visa, and the travel insurance has to cover Iran country. For more information click here

  • How is the climate in Iran?

    Iran is known as a four-season country. In general, Iran has a temperate climate. The temperature fluctuates widely in various parts of the country all year long. In the northern hemisphere of Iran, summertime is hot and winter is cold. Down in the south, close to the bodies of water of the Persian Gulf, the summer months can be hot and humid and in winter is temperate. In other parts though, it will be more moderate. Spring and fall are fairly mild, and it can become rainy during fall and spring. For more information click here

  • What to wear in Iran?

    Iran has a particular rule for wearing clothes in public. According to the dress code in Iran for tourists, you are supposed to hide your body shape, so you should wear trousers, but you must not wear shorts in the Islamic Republic. T-shirts are fine, but you are not allowed to wear sleeveless vests in Iran. Just stick to shirts and T-shirts. For more information click here

  • Is it possible for a solo female to travel to Iran?

    Iran is safe and is also one of the most rewarding trip destinations for women. Moreover, Iran is a country where you feel convenient and special as a solo female traveler because you will receive so much kindness from locals who want to ensure you return home with satisfying memories.

  • What is the best souvenir and handicraft in Iran?

    Iran has considerable souvenirs and handicrafts to buy, and many travelers choose Persian carpets as the most valuable item to take as a souvenir. Still, there are several more Items to find souvenirs and buy. You need only walk around the bazaar and find whatever you want. For more information click here

  • What is the most traditional and delicious cuisine in Iran?

    From the past till now, Persians used to cook and make a variety of delicious dishes with sort of complicated ingredients. This fact reveals that Iranians cared a lot about the quality of their meals throughout history. Despite many eating cultures in other countries, Iranians use many ingredients and additives in their dishes. For more information click here