Darbe Shazdeh

Ameriha hotel in Kashan was in the top of best hotel in Iran for months and now the boutique hotel in Shiraz named “ Darbe Shazdeh “ took its place .

The list of best hotels in Iran according to trip advisor website ( revised at 5th July 2019 )

  1. Darb-e- Shazde ( shiraz )
  2. Ameriha hotel ( Kashan )
  3. Ghasre monshi ( Isfahan )
  4. Morshedi hotel ( Kashan )
  5. Zandiyeh hotel ( Shiraz )
  6. Viana hotel ( Isfahan )
  7. Spinas Palace ( Tehran )
  8. Hasht behesht hotel ( Isfahan )
  9. Grand hotel ( Shiraz )
  10. Novotel ( Tehran )