The first UK city to ban diesel cars in a bid to improve air quality in Bristol.
“They had a “moral, ecological and legal duty” to cut pollution after the measure was approved by the city council on Tuesday evening” Mayor Marvin Rees saying.
Under the plans, all privately owned diesel vehicles will be barred from entering a clean air zone in the city center every day between 7 am and 3 pm by March 2021.
These proposals are subject to government approval and consultation with residents and businesses.
Cabinet has approved the Outline Business Case for our Clean Air Zone plans this evening. For more information, visit:
— Bristol City Council (@Bristol Council) November 5, 2019
“We have a moral, we have an ecological and we have a legal duty to clean up the air we breathe.” Mr. Rees told the council.
Drivers breaking the ban will be fined. Although councilors have considered introducing a £60 penalty, Mr. Rees said the size of the fine is yet to be finalized.
“We haven’t decided what the amount of that penalty charge should be.” Mike Jackson, the council’s head of paid services, confirmed.
