The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development announced a 57% decrease in air travel during the recent Corona quarantine compared to the previous month.
According to ISNA, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development announced: For example, this year (Ashura Day), on Wednesday August 19, 76 outbound flights, and 74 inbound flights were performed at Mehrabad Airport. Which compared to the same day in July were 56.6 and 57.5, respectively. Air Travel percentage has decreased.
There were 32 flights (including 16 inbound and 16 outbound flights) at Kish Airport on Tuesday, August 17; Meanwhile, on Saturday, August 20, according to the flight information of this airport, Air Travel had 16 flights. Eight incoming and eight outgoing flights show a 50% decrease in flights to Kish Airport.
Mashhad airport performed 26 domestic inbound flights, 22 domestic outbound flights, two foreign inbound flights, and three outbound flights on Saturday, August 20. In total, 53 flights.
According to the decision of the National Anti-Corona Headquarters regarding the reduction of travel to different cities, the Iranian Airports, Air Navigation Company, and Air Travel under the management of the National Aviation Organization also reduced and controlled flights.
With these statics, Air Travel has dropped one-third, although, the numbers vary from city to city depending on the number of flights. For example, if an airport had two flights a day, one flight was canceled, and it was impossible to stop both flights. Therefore, it resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of flights at such airports.
The average number of flights at Mashhad Airport on normal days and before imposed the restrictions was 170 flights per day, which shows that compared to the same period last month, we had a 69% decrease in flights and a 72% decrease in passengers, indicating a 57 percent Travel drop in the recent quarantine.