
Tigers are an important part of several wildlife sanctuaries, and Ranthambore wildlife sanctuary and Kanha National Park in India are among the few places where tourists can see these animals up close. Numerous visitors are visiting these sanctuaries simply to see tigers, which is boosting global wildlife tourism.

Wildlife Tourism: Positive and Negative Impact

According to Future Market Insights, during the visit to wildlife destinations, tourists contribute to the improvement and conservation of the conditions of wild animals. Wildlife tourism also improves the life of the local tribes, as when tourism flourishes, they get opportunities for improved livelihood. Continuous flow of tourists keep the poachers away from killing endangered species of animals. When tourists visit wildlife sanctuaries certain amount of entrance fee is charged to them.

This money is directed towards animal conservation programmes. However, there are some negative impacts too. The disturbance is always high when tourists approach the wildlife very closely to take photos. Moreover, the breeding patterns of animals may also get disturbed due to constant pressure of tourists to take photographs of animals with their young ones.