
The first snow has fallen in Jukkasjärvi and the planning and construction of this year’s winter hotel are in full swing. Out of a total of 135 applicants from 23 different countries, 24 artists from 15 countries have now been selected to create Icehotel 33.

During the spring when Icehotel melted and reunited with Torne River, the hotel with its Creative Director, Luca Roncoroni, selected the 24 artists who will create the art in this year´s winter hotel.

The artists will gather at the Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi at the end of November. Together with the production and construction crew, they will build a 2,890 m2 seasonal hotel consisting of 12 art suites, 24 ice rooms, and 1 ceremonial hall.

Luca Roncoroni, Creative Director at Icehotel says, “Icehotel 33 will be amazing for many reasons! Not only because artists from all over the world will create unique experiences in ice and snow, but also because we were finally able to hold an open international competition again. It has been a challenge to pick only 12 concepts out of so many great ideas, and we want to give a big thank you to every single artist who sent a submission. We are eager to welcome the artists in Jukkasjärvi at the end of November. Icehotel 33 will truly be a unique experience,”

This year two of the artists originate from Singapore, Edmund Chan, and TaiTien Tan. Edmund and TaiTien have designed the art suite “Dreams of Pencils”.

Edmund Chan is a passionate snow and ice sculptor who has participated in and won multiple awards at snow sculpting competitions for over 10 years. He is an art technician at Tanglin Trust School in Singapore.

TaiTien Tan is a professional papermaker at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, where he collaborated with artists to push the creative possibilities of fine art print and paper.

Having worked closely together as fine art collaborators in Singapore, they seek sculpting opportunities in wintry destinations and they enjoy the contrast to Singapore’s tropical climate.

On the 16th of December Icehotel, 33 will open its doors and the art will be displayed to the world for the very first time.

Brief facts about Icehotel 33

– Total area of approx. 2,890 m2

– 12 Art Suites with unique art and design

– 24 Ice Rooms designed by Icehotel

– The Ceremony Hall is 100 m2 and has approx. 40 seating places

– The main hall has 40 ice columns

– The iconic ice chandelier is made of 200 handmade crystals