Croats Are Becoming More Familiar with Iran

The “Countries to which Mate traveled” festival will introduce Iran and the memories of Mate Šimunović, a Croatian tourist, during a trip to Iran in 1937 for the Croats. We have heard about him in the news.

According to ISNA, Ivan Jugic, author of the best-selling book “Iran Now,” will reconstruct the journey of Mate unimunović and introduce our country to the audience in Croatia while rereading Šimunović’s accounts of his observations during his trip to Iran.

Mate Šimunović, a famous Croatian tourist, was born in 1900 in the city of Vergora in southeastern Croatia and traveled to 70 countries by boat, bicycle, and on foot for 19 years and traveled 360,000 km, leaving notes of his observations. Mate visited different parts of Iran in 1937 and was on his way, and pictures of this trip are also available in his exclusive album in Vorgoras. This book became so popular for the Croats.

In this festival, the Croats will narrate interesting events about the past and present of Iran on Sunday, September 5, 2021 (September 14, 1400) on the terrace of a restaurant in the city of Vergoras, Croatia.

On the sidelines of the program, Croats plan to welcome guests with Iranian food and traditional music performed by Mohammad Poursahbeghran.

In another program, on Saturday, September 4, in collaboration with the Hoću knjigu bookstore chain, Ivan will present his book near Lake Yaron Zagreb next to the Aquarius Club. Ivan Jugic, the author of the recently published second edition of Iran Now, is a Croatian citizen living in Iran and working in the tourism sector.

Ivan Jugic is another author of the best-selling book “Iran Now.” As mentioned, he has plans to reconstruct the journey of Mate Šimunović and introduce our country to the audience in Croatia while rereading Šimunović’s accounts of his observations during his trip to Iran.