Renovating Stonehenge Is in Order

On Tuesday, one of the restoration projects of “Renovating Stonehenge” in several decades began. To restore the structure on the UNESCO World Heritage List, according to ISNA and quoted by Reuters, Uk is taking action.

The Renovating Stonehenge Project, one of the most famous historical sites dating back 4,500 years, will be built to address the problems caused by erosion to extend previous restorations.

“4,500 years of exposure to wind and rain have caused holes and cracks in the surface of the boulders, and this essential project is one of the features that makes Stonehenge stand out,” said Heather Sabir, a conservation official.

To starts Renovating Stonehenge, scaffolding will be closed to access the upper parts of the slabs, the largest of which reaches a height of 9 meters, and with the completion of this project.

Concerns about Renovating Stonehenge have increased since Liverpool was removed from the UNESCO World Heritage List.

According to the Guardian, UNESCO has told the British government that if the ۷ 1.7 billion tunnel road project continues, it will endanger Stonehenge on the World Heritage List.

Chris Blandford, the UK’s director of world heritage, has criticized the government for not paying enough attention to the importance of the World Heritage sites.

UNESCO chiefs have also criticized the British government for neglecting its role in protecting Liverpool.

The UNESCO World Heritage Convention, of which Britain is an ally, encourages governments to establish national foundations to create specific budgets for cultural affairs, which is not the case in Britain. Instead, most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the UK are managed by the limited budgets of local authorities.

The site is expected to be removed from the World Heritage List if a tunnel road project continues and Renovating Stonehenge will come to a bitter end.  The British Ministry of Transport issued a permit to build the tunnel in November, despite UNESCO warnings.