Restore Travel

A new report was released by the World Travel & Tourism Council today that was created in association with Oliver Wyman the global management consulting firm, who examined the suggestions of four intertwined travel and tourism trends.

These experiential macro-trends that are specified for the pandemic era, are projected to lead the way to the sector’s recovery: Sustainability, Health and Hygiene, Demand Evolution, and Innovation and Digitization.

Sustainability is finally being focused on within recent global struggles that include extensive unemployment, anti-racism movements, and endangered destruction of natural habitats. The world seems to be able to restore energy to tackle social, institutional, and environmental sustainability subjects.

Hygiene and Health protection factors cannot be overstated. These are the keys to gain back travelers’ trust. Researchers expect that considerations such as these, put together with concerns over the ability to socially distance and fear of getting stranded in a foreign country, will guide consumer behavior in the short run for the better.

Demand Evolution is how current consumer behaves during COVID-19 and is asked to shift toward a preference which brings trust and predictable travel options. The optimistic version is that domestic vacations, extensive planning, and outdoor experiences will soon have prevailed.

The efforts with Technological Innovation and Digitization have been strongly forwarded at the start point of the unexpected pandemic. Stay-at-home orders have forced much of the global population to increase its adopting new digital platforms, and consumers now expect contactless technologies to be available. Especially as a prerequisite for safe travel processes.

This report also delivers a set of suggestions for the Travel and Tourism sector to prepare for the most seamless recovery possible. It emphasizes the importance of taking a global matched approach to recovery, boost up the industry’s resilience, and mend the millions of jobs which were lost.