
Facing a crisis is never easy, but when one must stand up, there is no turning back. You have to start creating new ways to get around it if you can’t go through it. 

To regain travelers’ trust, Colombia has implement biosafety protocols in the tourism industry. This action will be supported by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). The mentioned organization has granted, Safe Travels stamp to stakeholders in Colombia which obtains the voluntary Certified Check-In, COVID-19 Biosafe certification formed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism.

Being endorsed by the World Travel & Tourism Council indicates that Colombia’s strategy to implement biosafety protocols in the tourism industry is in line with international demands. Colombia’s status will change into a Safe Travels destination and will without question rebuild trust.

These stamps, designed by WTTC are to support the responsible reopening of the tourism sector. WTTC President Gloria Guevara acknowledged in an announcement that “the stamp is critical to re-build consumer’s trust in our sector and ensure travelers’ safety.”

This support was recorded in the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism’s Resolution 0904, which explains that Colombia, as a Safe Travels destination, could give the Safe Travels stamp to anyone who fulfils the biosafety protocols requested by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Consequently, those who have the right to use the Certified CheckIn quality seal may likewise use this stamp as a free international seal. This will create an opportunity for the industry to add value to itself and could ease its economic recurrence.

Aiming to aid tourism services or other businesses this seal provides touristic areas and attractions which agree with the general and specific biosafety protocols issued by the national government and entities that are authorized to execute standardization activities. If an organization wishes to be certified by The stamp it has to bear this quality seal.