Doncaster Sheffield Airport

Flights to popular holiday hotspots such as Gran Canaria and Tenerife take off from Doncaster Sheffield Airport again from today.

Airline operators TUI and Wizz Air are offering discounts on the test and release kits as an early Christmas present for passengers as parts of the UK come out of lockdown.

TUI has added several new flights to existing travel corridor destinations such as the Canary Islands; Tenerife, Lanzarote, and Gran Canaria to assuage passengers’ pent-up demand.

Wizz Air resumes flights to popular Eastern European destinations such as Riga, Gdansk, and Vilnius so that friends and family may be reunited at home for Christmas. 

The carrier will also add Cyprus to its list of holiday destinations later this month.

Chris Harcombe, aviation development director, Doncaster Sheffield Airport, said: “This has been an extremely challenging year for airlines, airports and the aviation industry as a whole as we have seen a reduction of over 80 percent in passenger traffic. 

“Operators have had to be agile and TUI and Wizz have responded to the easing of lockdown and the introduction of test and release by adding extra flights to popular destinations as well as discounts for testing kits, in a move to get passengers back in the air. 

“They have seen a significant spike in bookings following the announcement with many eager to escape to some much-needed sunshine.”