“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” You should use this famous phrase for a Marauder’s map. Here, however, it is enough to say that you solemnly swear to take care of your health!
Trying to plan and take a trip during a pandemic is not an easy task, particularly when there are travel restrictions everywhere around the world and are always changing, sometimes overnight.
Skyscanner, a company known for its good flight price, just launched a color-coded shared travel map to show people where in the world and which locations are (and aren’t) open to them.
A study on British travelers was the inspiration that brought up the idea to invent this map. A survey on more than 2100 Brits showed that more than half of them didn’t have the slightest clue where they could and could not travel.
Skyscanner’s senior director of global marketing, Jo McClintock said: “People want to travel and we knew there are pent-up demands for more and clear information, but confidence has been hit by the lack of consistency between countries worldwide regarding measures and restrictions, consumers just do not pay attention to the complex rules and are thirsty for transparent, detailed information.”
Skyscanner’s map permits users to set their country of origin. It’s color-coded, so it marks countries users can visit with green, countries that might be an option in yellow, and those that are off-limits are red.
The site also shares the information on which countries require quarantine and their volume and direction of COVID-19 cases. If a precise country has caught your attention, you can set an alert for changes to travel regulations in that country.
For Americans, much of the map remains red. U.S. passport holders face limited restrictions in 13 countries, Skyscanner’s map shows. Brazil, which like the U.S. is struggling to control the spread of coronavirus, is among those countries.