Kat Kamalani takes the vail off and explains why we should not take water on flights. Although, this explanation was not in a common interview. This time TikTok virals a video of one flight attendant who makes use of this application to inform others.
TikTok is a platform where one can watch viral dance crazes and unusual trends, but lately it has become a place to learn also. Some random facts even the ones we dread to know are being shared through TikTok.
One of these dreadful information comes from a flight attendant named Kat Kamalani, talks about what you seriously should not eat or drink in a plane.
Kamalani starts with “Rule number one: Never drink any liquid that is not in a can or a bottle, those water tanks are never cleaned and they are disgusting.”
And goes on like “my fellow flight attendants and I hardly ever drink coffee or hot tea as they are brewed with the same water tanks which are hardly ever cleaned.” Want to know the worse? These water tanks are located right next to the lavatories. She recommends asking for bottled water or canned drinks.
A study by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center at the City University of New York and DietDetective.com (2019) studied the quality of drinking water on 11 major and 12 regional airlines and discovered that the quality of drinking water varies by airlines, and many airlines have possibly provided passengers with unhealthy water.
This study also evaluated the water served in these airlines. Of 10 major airlines, seven received a score of under three. Whether or not you want to take things that far is up to you, but there seems to be enough consensus on the matter and so, the study confirms what Kamalani says: Avoid airplane tap water at all costs.