The lights of the Nature Bridge and the Mina Dome turned off at the same time as the Earth Hour global event on the last Saturday of March.
Earth Hour is a global event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. From 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, people turn off their unnecessary electronic devices intending to raise awareness about climate change and energy conservation. As devotion to this code of honour, famous buildings all around the world shut their lights and go dark.
Likewise, in Iran (Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, etc.) the Nature Bridge, for instance, was turned off on this day in support of this global event, for the environment’s sake. Azadi and Milad Tower also followed the Nature Bridge.
What is the Earth Hour and what are its implications? Well, first things first, of all the creatures on Earth, mankind is the only species that both make the most of the earth’s resources and challenges them.
At Earth Hour, different families and businesses with whatever energy prerequisites they have; By turning off their lights and other unnecessary electrical appliances for an hour, they remind not only themselves but everyone that it is not all up to the government to plan and save Mother Earth but every human being to protect it. To raise awareness of climate change and the need for prudent energy consumption in the world.
For decades, tackling the effects of climate change has been a major concern for environmental activists around the world, and setting aside a specific time on a particular day of the year for a mass movement to raise awareness about climate change is an unprecedented step. Which has faced global success.
As all the world respected the Earth Hour, Tehran also, participated in this event.