There is this philosophical saying that whatever’s in the universe you could find it in human too. That is why we always cope better with nature, rather than manmade civilization.
We even now know that getting outside to breathe a bit of fresh air get some sun works for your soul. Recently one researcher has found that getting outside and listening to Mother Nature ’s chant helps to heal your body too.
This research has studied the effects of natural sounds, the ones that originated from nature. Sounds like the birds chirping and rivers running have a positive effect on both the human mind and their physical pain.
Nature has many sounds if one is willing to listen. It’s good for easing stress, pain, and it improves your mood and mental ability.
The researchers have found sounds that included birds have the largest effect on lowering stress and feelings of annoyance. Birds sound is the first remedy.
There are solid shreds of evidence that there are major health benefits to being exposed to nature.
On the other hand, we must know that the more people that go to natural parks, for the same reason to listen to nature, the more human noises will drown out the positive effect.
Still, this doesn’t mean that we should avoid natural sites. Opposite! Opposite! This means that while Mother Nature is giving all she has we also must spend more of our efforts protecting her.
The research team says that they strongly encourage people to take a moment to stop and listen. Go far far away from the city, go someplace where no manmade sound is audible.
Experience the benefits of sound. They are positive that this is something people often neglect and sadly, take for granted. However, we must not forget to protect nature as well.