Palestine Provided Artists with Old Houses

Old houses in Ramallah, in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, have been rebuilt, and the doors of these houses have been opened to young Palestinian artists to present their work.

According to ISNA, quoting Al-Jazeera, the municipality of Ramallah in occupied Palestine has reconstructed the old houses in the area. Some of which belong to the municipality, others have been rented them.

The purpose of this reconstruction is to prepare a traditional and local market for Palestinian youth art.

A Palestinian artist makes woolen chairs in her booth in one of the old houses of the city. That is one of the precious handicrafts of Palestine. The project booths include making musical instruments, hand painting, photography, and several other works of art.

The ownership, as well as the lack of strict laws to protect these monuments, brought them to this idea of ​​protecting and restoring the historic ancient houses in Ramallah.  That solved many problems for the municipality of this region.

The municipality of Ramallah, Palestine, couldn’t find the owner of some of these houses at great expense. For this reason, the town has rented some of the estates. The law to prevent the destruction of historic mansions has come to the aid of the organization and artists.

Each of these buildings was renovated and restored with its own traditional and appropriate methods. Modern methods in Palestine have not been used in their restoration to preserve their traditional and historical condition. Also, specialized institutions in this field have been used to carry out repair and restoration operations properly.

Sali Abu Bakr, Ramallah Municipality’s director of cultural and social affairs, says that after the coronavirus epidemic and the damage it has done to the arts and culture sector, the project is a necessary step to support artists whose livelihoods have been blocked by the disease. It is on the agenda of the municipality of the town.

Historic Houses of Yazd and Hidden Corridors