The Golden Mask of China

Archaeologists in China have unearthed the remains of a historic golden mask by excavating an archeological site. They found the Golden Mask of China.

More than 500 artifacts have been unearthed in recent months during excavations at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan. According to ISNA, archaeologists were amazed to discover parts of a 3,000 old object known as the Golden Mask of China at the site.

Recently, experts have once again discovered another face mask in the same historic place, with the difference that the second golden object remains healthier than the previous one. They uncovered this object in one of the pits of the historical site.

“The mask is about 30 centimeters wide,” Xinhua said in a report. Although many of the artifacts discovered in this historic site are thousands of years old, archaeologists have not yet provided information on the exact date of the Golden Mask of China.

“Discoveries (here) once again show the imagination of the ancient Chinese people, which is much more than what we expected today,” said Tang Fei, director of the Sichuan Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Research Institute»

This golden object is just one of 500 artifacts recently discovered at the site. Other monuments in the area include a jade knife and a bronze Sardis. Several bronze artifacts have been discovered here, the exact details of which have not been released, as archaeologists have encountered many types of this object for the first time.

Despite discoveries, the total number of all artifacts discovered at the Sanxingdui site has reached about 2,000.

As China started the biggest epidemic in recent history, discovering this object once more shows the creativity of the ancient Chinese people. Or in other words, they thought of this epidemic 3000 years ago. Which is much more than what we expected today,” said Tang Fei, director of the Sichuan Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Research Institute about the Golden Mask of China.