Ending the Quarantines

By the time, some organizations and departments think now is the best time to put an end to some quarantine rules that are preventing the travel industry from recessing. They believe their rules are being applied where they are not necessary and, therefore, halting the business! Why should these restrictions be held when a place is safe and travelers are insured of that safety?

The ever-changing regional quarantine rules set by states and countries are the cause of many tourism associations to call for an end to them completely. These groups believe that quarantine measures discourage the public from traveling by setting ongoing confusion and uncertainty. Rather than a blanket cut-off of entire countries and states, it is better to test people and not have to quarantine.

What is giving the travelers deterrent feelings about traveling and moving from place to place is not only the Coronavirus itself, but the restrictions are based on formulas that often result in a state’s or nation’s status change frequently.

A rising number of tourism organizations are tallying their voices to this argument that rapid, reliable testing and contact-tracing protocols are a better solution for tamping out COVID-19 transmission. In this case, traveler traders will be able to revitalization the travel sector.

Similarly, Airports Council International and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) made a united statement this month supporting the implementation of testing. With such a task, borders can broadly reopen. Luis Felipe de Oliveira, World Director General of Airports Council, says that the groups are, calling for urgent government action to introduce widespread and coordinated testing of passengers to remove the quarantine requirements. Minimizing this action, preventing it somehow, or refusing to consider it, without exaggeration we will see that the industry shall face a collapse.