As the demand for different types of experimental tourism (real travel experience) increases, it is expected that astronomy tourism (Astro tourism) will be more welcomed by tourists in the coming years in Iran.
According to the News, astronomy tourism is a kind of experimental tourism that tourists travel to get astronomical experiences such as seeing a star, a lunar eclipse, aurora borealis, looking at a meteorite.
In addition, activities such as visiting observatories, astronomy museums, skyscrapers, space travel by spacecraft, etc. are also considered astronomical experiences. Astronomy tourism is divided into two main types based on the characteristics of these activities, which include the following:
Terrestrial astronomical tourism is the most common type of astronomical travel that includes travel experiences to observe astronomical phenomena from the earth in suitable geographical areas and the minimum level of light pollution and support of technical equipment. Like going on a desert tour around Yazd in Iran or Shahdad in Kerman for star observation.
Space tourism is a concept in Astronomy Tourism that refers to space travel activities by spacecraft. The concept has recently gained popularity due to the development of aerospace companies such as SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. In addition, there are forms of virtual tourism to simulate astronomical phenomena or space flight.
It can be said that the terrestrial astronomical tourism of the Astronomy Tourism has positive consequences in the sustainable development of tourism, because this form of tourism provides tourists with knowledge about nature and the world, increases awareness, and encourages tourists to protect nature and the environment.
On the other hand, space tourism is controversial because of the negative effects it has. Research and construction of space airports, as well as the use of fuel for spacecraft, will increase the emission of pollutants, which will pollute the environment and accelerate climate change.