The popularity of the Armenian Vaccination Tour skyrocketed with advertisements for free vaccinations. But as the infrastructure on the Armenian border and inside the country did not meet this demand, most travelers, especially in recent weeks, faced difficulties.
People bought the Armenian Vaccination Tour as a dream of being vaccinated but were faced with other realities.
According to ISNA what they mean by dreaming in Armenia is that some Armenian Vaccination Tour operators, who are also illegal, did not tell the truth about Armenia. So we encountered a crowd at the border or in the streets of Yerevan (the capital of Armenia) at night.
The overcrowding at the border caused long delays, the Norduz border has no infrastructure and cannot meet this volume of people assigned for the Armenian Vaccination Tour. None of the land borders has such an infrastructure.
Witnesses have spoken of the travel of 14,000 Iranians by air and land, while the reports and observations of our colleagues show that the number is more than this number, which may be in the millions.
The statement adds: Yerevan is not a big and advanced city like Istanbul and cannot meet this number of tourists. As people have reported, one day there was no room for passengers. Unfortunately, some passengers were also caught by brokers and fraudsters. For this reason, they were left without a place.
Armenia has never been the destination or the first choice of Iranians to travel. When there is no alternative, people go there especially in the name of the Armenian Vaccination Tour. Now that the law of 10 days’ stay in this country is mandatory for foreign travelers, we predict that the number of trips will gradually decrease, which we are already witnessing. The demand for travel to the mentioned country this week was much lower than in previous weeks.