Corona Vaccine Tour is not Legal in Iran

The Deputy Minister of Tourism announced: The promotion and implementation of Corona Vaccine Tour with the promise of Corona vaccine has no legal validity and it will be dealt with according to the regulations.

Following the promotion of the vaccine tour in cyberspace, Vali Teymouri, Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, emphasized the false advertising in some media as well as in cyberspace in an unrealistic and seductive tour with a Corona vaccine.

To protect the beneficiaries and activists in the field of tourism and to prevent the implementation of such false and destructive propaganda measures, travel and tourism services offices and holders of licenses to operate in cyberspace, are only allowed to introduce licensed accommodation centers.

 Advertising unauthorized centers and for sure a so-called Corona Vaccine Tour has no legal validity in holding and performing the tour.

Following this order, Ali Rafiei, Tehran’s Deputy Minister of Tourism, in a circular addressed to all tourism, accommodation, hospitality, entertainment, and transportation organizations in the province, emphasized that they should refrain from any propaganda action other than those mentioned in the existing regulations.

He also said that holders of licenses to operate in cyberspace are only allowed to introduce residential centers with the relevant operating license, and any advertising of unauthorized centers and its use in holding and performing the tour has no legal validity, and if observed according to law and regulations will be dealt with.

The same measure shall be taken for Corona Vaccine Tour as well.

The corona vaccine tour was first advertised in the fall of last year at the same time as vaccination began in some countries, which the agency called false, and the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts responded by calling any vaccination tour as a vaccination. Corona was declared illegal.

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